How to use Nokogiri to collect data?
The first step is to Install Nokogiri
When I tried to install Nokogiri on my Windows OS using
gem install nokogiri
I confronted an error shows
It looks like it is about the conversion of the binary code. I can imagine a real computer engineer could solve this with casual enthusiasm, but now I have to count on myself.
I turn to Google of help. Nothing.
Then I turn to Nokogiri-talk , no helpful information.
I post my question on it , and I am suggested to upgrade my RDoc packet. The suggestion really helped!
And I found on the blog :
that it is prerequisite to install libxml or libxml before installing Nokogiri. Do what it ask you to do.
but I encounter another trouble,
when I typed irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems'
an error occured...
Then, we can get started with Nogokiri !
We can get example of Nokogiri by googling "Nokogiri css example"